jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

Bubión on fire!


Every summer there are wildfires because the weather is warmer. Some of them appear because of natural causes, like a thunder, or an accident, but sadly most of them are caused by people. Wildfires are usually extinguished after a few hours thanks to firefighters, but some of them are very dangerous and they burn a lot of fields. Sometimes they even get too close to some towns that they even burn some houses!

Nearly 2 weeks ago there was a wildfire in the Alpujarra, and it mainly affected Bubión and Capileira. More than 100 people were needed and they needed nearly a whole week to extinguish it. The wildfire burned around 28 hectares.

I think this is a serious problem and we have to avoid wildfires. They burn a lot of fields and sometimes kill animals or even people. They also pollute the air so, if we want to have fresh air and see a beautiful landscaoe when we look trough the window, we have to be more careful.

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