jueves, 13 de agosto de 2020

FOMO, the syndrome striking people these days

Due to the lockdown we have missed a lot of things, like ferias, concerts, festivals or football matches. Pubs and bars were closed so you couldn't go there. You couldn't even go to the beach or the gym!

Now, the situation has changed. Bars and pubs are open, but some of them have restrictions and have to close earlier. You can also go to the beach or go to a small concert, always respecting social distance and wearing a mask.

This sudden reopening of the bars, pubs, beaches and some events has caused FOMO to many people, specially young people. FOMO means 'fear of missing out' and its caused by the too big amount of things to do. There are too many things to do or places to go that you want to do all the things or go to all the places at the same time. We can also talk about YOMO, or ' joy of missing out'. Both acronyms cause the same symptoms.

This fear of missing something can produce anxiety because you think you are doing fewer things than the others or that they are having more fun than you. To prevent this, we have to be happy with ourselves and our lives. If we feel sad we can spend more time on social media and look how each one is in a different event and all of them will look great to us, so we will feel worse.

I think they should have opened bars or done some events in a more gradual way because after nearly three months in lockdown people will want to go everywhere and won't stay at home, so it's easier to have the virus or pass it if someone has it.

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