jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Do you want to start doing something new? Try to draw!

Drawing is quite good because it makes you able to express your feeling or what you think about things. It also stimulates your creativity and relaxes you when you are stressed.

During this quarantine many people are starting to draw in their free time. There are many techniques, like graphite, pastel colours or oil paint; and many styles, like manga or realism, so each one is drawing in the style they like the most!

I am also drawing more because now I have more free time. I started to draw when I was 8 years old and I have drawn many styles. I started drawing manga, and later I drew tribal drawings and pixel art. Now, I draw realism, but my style makes me edit the references. I usually use a lot of colours, so it's a kind of "fake realism".

To finish, I'd like to give some pieces of advice for those who are starting to draw.

1) You don't need expensive pencils to draw! I started with cheap ones.

2) Use grids to do sketches. It is easier to do them if you use a grid.

3) Be patient! A good drawing needs many hours to be finished.

4) Try many styles. If you try many styles and materials, you will find your own style using the materials you prefer and drawing what you like the most.

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