sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

What will jobs and learning be like in the future?

Nowadays there are a lot of websites where you can watch films and series. Netflix is one of them and probably the most famous of them. This platform allows you to watch a lot of films and series at a very low price and gives you 4 profiles using only one account so you can divide the price between four people.

During the last months we have been at home. Because of this we have been waking up and going to bed later. But some people have been spending the whole night watching series in Netflix. If you do this one night when you can't sleep and you don't have anything to do it could be OK, but the problem comes when you don't sleep at night because you're always in Netflix.

Netflix can make you addict to watch series. When a episode finish, you only have five seconds to close it before the next one starts. And when an episode starts, it is very difficult to close it. In the long run, spending the night can make you not to arrive to school or work in time or not to sleep well. Some people even stop meeting their family and friends before they prefer stay at home watching series.

I think watching series can help you to spend your free time but you shouldn't spend the whole night watching series. You also have to do other things and find other ways to spend your free time. In my case, I have two profiles in Netflix (one from my cousin's account and the other from my aunt's one) and I can watch a serie while my parents are watching another one. But I usually spend thirty minutes or an hour, and not everyday. I also have other hobbies, like drawing, and I am taking advantage of the quarantine and the summer so I am learning new things, like lettering and cursive in cyrillic.

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